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Color is the measure of a diamond’s natural hue. The grading spectrum ranges from colorless to yellow. Colorless diamonds are rare, and are prized for their natural beauty and value.
Clarity is the measure of a diamond’s inclusions, which occur naturally inside the stone or on the stone's surface. Flawless diamonds are considered the most desirable for their rare perfection.
Cut is the measure of a diamond’s beauty and craftsmanship. A diamond's cut grade is determined by its geometrical proportions and symmetry, which affect the play of light reflected in the diamond.
Carat is the measure of a diamond’s mass or weight. For the past century, the carat unit has been set at a standard 200 milligrams. Diamonds are often measured in increments of 1/4 carat.
Carat is the measure of a diamond’s mass or weight. For the past century, the carat unit has been set at a standard 200 milligrams. Diamonds are often measured in increments of 1/4 carat.
Carat is the measure of a diamond’s mass or weight. For the past century, the carat unit has been set at a standard 200 milligrams. Diamonds are often measured in increments of 1/4 carat.
Clarity is the measure of a diamond’s inclusions, which occur naturally inside the stone or on the stone's surface. Flawless diamonds are considered the most desirable for their rare perfection.
Color is the measure of a diamond’s natural hue. The grading spectrum ranges from colorless to yellow. Colorless diamonds are rare, and are prized for their natural beauty and value.
Cut is the measure of a diamond’s beauty and craftsmanship. A diamond's cut grade is determined by its geometrical proportions and symmetry, which affect the play of light reflected in the diamond.
Carat is the measure of a diamond’s mass or weight. For the past century, the carat unit has been set at a standard 200 milligrams. Diamonds are often measured in increments of 1/4 carat.
Color is the measure of a diamond’s natural hue. The grading spectrum ranges from colorless to yellow. Colorless diamonds are rare, and are prized for their natural beauty and value.
Clarity is the measure of a diamond’s inclusions, which occur naturally inside the stone or on the stone's surface. Flawless diamonds are considered the most desirable for their rare perfection.
Cut is the measure of a diamond’s beauty and craftsmanship. A diamond's cut grade is determined by its geometrical proportions and symmetry, which affect the play of light reflected in the diamond.
Brilliance is a measure of the intense white light that radiates from the stone. Brilliance is created by the diamond's unique cut, which determines how the light that enters the diamond is reflected back to the viewer.
As a diamond moves, the play of light inside the stone creates dramatic, luminous flashes that are ever changing in their beauty. The diamond's sparkle reflects the quality of the cut, a direct result of the skill and craftsmanship of the professional diamond cutter.
When light enters and exits the dense structure of the diamond, it refracts, or bends. This refraction radiates vivid flares of rainbow colors that are commonly described as the diamond's 'fire'. Diamonds with intense fire are appreciated for their fascinating play of color and beauty at different angles.
As a diamond moves, the play of light inside the stone creates dramatic, luminous flashes that are ever changing in their beauty. The diamond's scintillation reflects the quality of the cut, a direct result of the skill and craftsmanship of the professional diamond cutter.
Light symmetry is determined by the quality of a diamond's cut and the position of inclusions and blemishes, which may occur during the natural formation process. A well-cut diamond features optimal proportions for equal light distribution.
As light enters and exits a diamond, the rare allure of the unique gemstone is revealed. Light performance is the combined grading of the four light qualities that define the diamond's individual beauty: Brilliance, Sparkle, Fire and Light Symmetry.
Color is the measure of a diamond’s natural hue. The grading spectrum ranges from colorless to yellow. Colorless diamonds are rare, and are prized for their natural beauty and value.
Clarity is the measure of a diamond’s inclusions, which occur naturally inside the stone or on the stone's surface. Flawless diamonds are considered the most desirable for their rare perfection.
Carat is the measure of a diamond’s mass or weight. For the past century, the carat unit has been set at a standard 200 milligrams. Diamonds are often measured in increments of 1/4 carat.
Cut is the measure of a diamond’s beauty and craftsmanship. A diamond's cut grade is determined by its geometrical proportions and symmetry, which affect the play of light reflected in the diamond.